Matinee: Noah Tate (Album Launch)
Matinee: Noah Tate (Album Launch)

Matinee: Noah Tate (Album Launch)

with Catie Alison, Special Guests
The Workers Club (Fitzroy, VIC)
Saturday, 10 May 2025 1:00 pm
40 days away
18+ (unless accompanied by Guardian)

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From Belgium to Brunswick, The Grey House was written in the cold, shaped by solitude, and steeped in quiet longing.

An album of melancholy, it paints the image of an abandoned house—where love is forgotten, time aches for what once was, and flowers bloom only to be cut, lest they remind us.

Join Noah Tate at The Workers Club for an intimate live performance, celebrating the release of The Grey House with a full set of songs that linger like fading light.